Marilynn's Favorite Sayings and Words to Live By
"I can stand anything as long as I know it's temporary"

"Nothing is really lost because everything has to be somewhere"

"Everything turns out for the best - sometimes you just recognize it later"

"Worrying never cured anything - it's just a waste of valuable time"

"When one seems most unlovable, it is the time one needs love the most"

"Friends are people who know you well, but like you anyway"

"Some things are extremely difficult, but nothing is impossible"

"Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance"

"If you don't have time to do something right, when will you ever find time to do it over?"




"To save or not to save - that is the question.

If one saves, one is a saver.

If one saves, one has more to savor.

If one does not save, one has nothing to savor.

Is it better to be a saver and have something to savor?

Or is it better not to be a saver and have nothing to savor?"

..........................................................-Marilynn Kirkpatrick